Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Aid/Medical kits

Today I was going to post something profound... haha... but then my day got a bit turned around. While on our way to drop my oldest son off at school my husband came by us. He had just left as we did but he bikes so is alot faster than the little feet I keep pace with. When he came by us he showed off his new road rash. The poor guy fell. I raced to school almost pulling along my youngest and managed to get us to school after someone else. For those who don't know my kids this is a rare thing as normally Kyler is pulling me out the door to go to school. I had his friends father watch Kyler until the teacher came and raced home with my younger one.

We got home and I started to work on my husband. It's not that he had that much damage but it's more so that there was alot to clean up. After getting Quinton off playing with some toys I broke out the first aid/medication box. And here's where my thoughts led me too.

The importance of a first aid box. It doesn't have to be the kind the EMT's bring around but something that has a little of everything. For my family it might be different than yours. We have things for little kids (as in 2 and up) and adults.

Our first aid includes:

After Bite - kids and adults
Polysporin - kids and adults
Tylenol - kids (liquid) and adults (pills)
Advil - kids (liquid)
A bandage bag - kids (WTP or Character ones) and adults
Gravel - kids (liquid) and adults (pills)
Zinc lozenges - adults
Rubber gloves - Adult sizes - large and x large
"non stick" bandages and tape - large and medium
alcohol swabs - individually packaged
Straight needle
Tensor bandage - large one
Safety pins

I'm not saying this is a perfect First Aid box at all but it handles most of our problems at home. As you well know anything 'major' needs to be attended to by a health care professional.

Hopefully this will become something you keep in your household. Make sure it caters to what family members you have and their ages and medical needs. As always, I pray you don't have to use it too often. But for the times you do it's wonderful to have around.

I should also say I recommend that you take a first aid class. It is a great thing to have. You may want to check where you work, some work places will cover the cost for you to go.

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